Workshops and Speaking

Management Skills Challenge Work-outs

Up-skill your management team with a series of high-intensity skills workouts. These 30-minute sprints can be tagged onto a regular meeting or run independently to energize your team. Each sprint presents practical tips and a challenging scenario designed to enhance problem-solving and judgement. After a brief introduction, we break into small groups for an intensive problem-solving exercise, then re-group for a quick share to cool down and consolidate learning.

Management Development Workshops

These two-hour workshops bring together managers, team leaders and “lynch-pins” to increase know-how, build skills, and get to know each other better. Let’s talk about your needs. You don’t have to settle for an off-the-shelf topic. I can customize one of my best practice workshops for you, or create something unique for your team to directly improve effectiveness where your organization needs it most.

Strategic Communications: Know-Feel-Do 

This training session prepares all participants to be more empathetic and effective communicators. My Know / Feel / Do method is easy to apply, reduces stress and improves outcomes.

Find Your Way Workshops for Individuals or Small Groups

Coming up on a career crossroads and want to approach it with strength and balance? Or feeling stalled or blocked and want to get unstuck? A two-hour intensive workshop will challenge your assumptions, open up perspectives and inspire you to explore possibilities. You’ll have the chance to claim your strengths, reflect on your experience, refresh your narrative of your path so far, and gain more clarity on where you’re going next.


Prefer a speaker rather than a workshop? I’ll bring stories and insights about workplace challenges relevant for your organization.

For more information: